Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Brydee was 3 months old when i was 2 weeks late. I did a pregnancy test and sure enough i was pregnant again.
Again the hypermisis came back with a vengance. I had a horrid horrid pregnancy. I was continually vommiting and my back pain had gone beyond a joke.
I was admitted to hospital a few times with severe vommiting and put on a drip. After my 20 week scan we found out we were having a boy i was over the moon.
After a routine scan at 28 weeks they found i had polyhydramnios was is excess fluid i also had borderline diabetes.
I would get a stabbing pain in my right side it got to the point where i couldnt stand for more than 5 minutes. I was in agony. I had so many tests done to find out what it was and nothing came back.
I remember i was about 35 weeks pregnant and i was cooking tea i would stand up for a few minutes then sit down it continued on like this until i sat on the kitchen floor and burst out crying, Pete came in and asked what was wrong and all i could say was i cant cook tea.
I was booked in for my c section on the 21 May 1 week before my due date.
On the 9th of may i was admitted to hospital with irregular contractions it showed i hada irratble uteris and my baby had a very very low heart rate. I was rebooked in to have the c section on the 15th may. I was to have a round of steroid injections to help his lungs.
Again i couldnt sleep the night before.
On the 15th May 2007 i was wheeled into theatre. I had told them of my concerns of feeling them cutting me again and was assured that it wouldnt happen. Again my blood pressured plummited and i felt as if i was dying. I was hot i was cold i felt like i was falling and going to be sick.
At about 11.30 Jordan Lian James entered the world weighing 8.6lb.
He was given to Pete to hold and Jordan was making tiny wee grunting sounds. I made a comment to the dr there. They whisked Jordan from Pete and took him back over the where they clean the babies. I saw them working on Jordan. I didnt know what was happening i started to cry thinking that my baby wasnt going to make it.
They finished sewing me up then wheeled me into recovery without my baby.
There were 3 other families in there all with their babies and i didnt have mine.
I got told that Jordan couldnt breathe properly and had been sent to NICU.
I remember having an arguement with Pete i told him to go and find Jordan and sit with him i didnt want Jordan to be alone. Pete wanted to stay with me he didntwant me to be alone. I remember bossing the aneathatist around i told her to go and find out what was wrong with my baby.
At about 4pm i was wheeled back to my room. I still hadnt seen my baby properly i got given a photo of him. He had tubes everywhere. I cried and cried.
At about 5 pm i got wheeled into see him in my bed. He opened his eyes up and just stared at me. I started crying again happy that i could see my boy was going to be ok.
At 8.30pm i got wheeled in again to see him and got to have kanga cuddles. I could hardly see him as i had so many tears running down my face, i was so over joyed at finally getting to touch my wee man.
I hounded the midwives that night, i got wheeled up 3 times in the night to just sit with him and talk to him.
The next morning i got told if Jordan fed of me and his sugar levels were up he could come back to my room with me.
He fed brillantly and his levels were up.
I was like an excited kid at christmas i nearly ran back to my room...a great achievement as i had had an operation the day before.
Jordan came back to me at 11.30am 24 hours after he was born.
We got discharged on the Thursday. but readmitted the following week as Jordan had jaundice and failure to thrive. The paeds also said they thought i had my dates mixed up as they thought he was 4 c-5 weeks prem and not the 2 that i thought he was.In the first 2 days after he was born he went right down to 7.7lb. He also had a hole in the heart.
Jordan is now 6 months old and a true delight he has a intolerancy to dairy hense why he had failure to thrive but he is the happiest wee man and im so lucky to have him.

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