Wednesday, November 21, 2007


I had had an aweful pregnancy hospatilized for hyperemisis and Shakayla was posterier. I was 42.2 days over due. I was to be induced that night Tuesday 15 july 1997. after having the meds i went home and waited for it all to begin. Shakayla was to be my first child and i had planned on a waterbirth. After a niggly night i went back to the hospital at 7am and got some more meds.
Labour came on hard and fast at 9.30 am all i wanted to do was walk. I dont know how many times i paced the hall ways. At 2pm i asked to goto Christchurch Womens as i had been in labour since 930am and only 1 cm dilated. They went to check on babies heartbeat and couldnt find it. I saw a look of pure panic cross my midwifes face she dropped everything and ran out the room. I remember laying there with my friends and family in the room i had tears pouring down my face as did everybody else. Another midwife came in and tried to hear her heartbeat she too couldnt find it. She called an ambulance and i was rushed to CHCH womens. I dont remember the ambulance ride. I do know they tried to put a drip in adn couldnt my veins were collapsing. Once i was at womens they found babies heartbeat and got a drip in. I was given an epidural.
By this time it was 7pm. Babies heart rate was erratic they talked about a c section and said they would assess me later.
Mum and my birthing friends went and got tea as did the midwife who was with me. I was left with this really really goodlooking training dr. We had a great time while they were gone only interrupted by the farts that i was doing...i couldnt help it lol i had an epidural and couldnt control it.
At 10 pm they did an internal and said i was only 3 cms dilated and they were going to do a c section. I was prepped and taken to theatre.
At 10.28pm 16 july 1997 Shakayla Madison my first daugter was born.
I remember looking at her and saying "Shes not very pretty is she"
I was wheeled to recovery and then to my room. I think i saw the most beautiful sunrise that morning...could of been the morphine talking as well lol.
I was going to be transferred to Burwood so Shakayla had to have the peads check. While they were doing it they said she had something going on with her heart.They sent her down for a echo scan and a heart x ray. She had 2 holes in the heart. Nothing major but she had to be monitored until she was 5.
Once i was transferred to Burwood i started to enjoy my wee girl.There was only me and her dad.
I had a lot of trouble breastfeeding i had bleeding and sore cracked nipples i remember looking up and seeing a womean walking the hallway feeding her baby and i cried and cried. One of the midwives came in and told me to harden up and maybe i shouldnt of gotten pregnant at such a young age, i was 18.
I discharged myself on the Monday and vowed i would never ever go there again.
On the Thursday morning Shakayla went Blue and stopped breathing. She was rushed to hospital and placed in HDU. They thought it might of been a side affect of her heart. We stayed in over night.
Saturday morning mum came in to wake me i was very dozy and soo tired and sore. She couldnt find Shakayla i had her under the blankets with me and the electric blanket going as well as the heater. She was in a pool of sweat. I had nearly killed her.
I was soo cold and had thought if i was cold so was she. I remember mum yelling at me and told me go have a shower. I went and had a shower and woke up on the floor of the bathroom. I had collapsed, my cousin carried me to the car and i was taken straight to hospital.
I was sitting in the waiting room which was about the size of a bathroom with another lady who was losing her baby. She was 5 months pregnant, she kept looking at Shakayla and crying. I was tring to keep Kayla quiet but i was soo sore.
After been in that room for 4.5 hours i was seen by a dr. I had part of the placenta still in me as well as mastitis. I got admitted to hospital. I noticed they put the lady who had lost her baby directly opposite my room. I tried so hard to keep Shakayla quiet that night. The next morning i was sent down for a d and c.

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